2019 Highlights – publications on ontologies

Four journal articles were published on the group’s work on ontologies.

In Li et al. we focus on user validation in ontology alignment and discuss issues related to  the profile of the user, the services of the alignment system, and its user interface. Recommendations for tool support for each aspect are given and the support in current systems is presented.  The paper reports that while there have been significant advances on the part of alignment systems in these areas, there are still key challenges to overcome such as reducing user workload, balancing informativeness with cognitive load and balancing user workload with user errors.

Li H, Dragisic Z, Faria D, Ivanova V, Jimenez-Ruiz E, Lambrix P, Pesquita C, User validation in ontology alignment: functional assessment and impact, The Knowledge Engineering Review 34:e15, 2019. doi: 10.1017/S0269888919000080


Further, we applied our expertise in two application domains. In Dorea et al. we collaborated with, among others, the Swedish National Veterinary Institute in the development of an ontology for Animal Health Surveillance. In Li, Armiento and Lambrix we extended two ontologies in the materials science domain with a focus on nanomaterials.

Dorea F, Vial F, Hammar K, Lindberg A, Lambrix P, Blomqvist E, Revie C, Drivers for the development of an Animal Health Surveillance Ontology (AHSO), Preventive Veterinary Medicine 166:39-48, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2019.03.002

Li H, Armiento R, Lambrix P, A Method for Extending Ontologies with Application to the Materials Science Domain, Data Science Journal, 18(1):Article 50, 2019. doi: 10.5334/dsj-2019-050


Finally, Ivanova et al. introduces a special issue on visualization and interaction for ontologies and linked data and discusses issues related to cognitive support, user profiles and visual exploratory analysis.

Ivanova V, Lambrix P, Lohmann S, Pesquita C, Visualization and interaction for ontologies and linked data – Editorial, Journal of Web Semantics, Special issue on Visualization and interaction for ontologies and linked data 55:145-149, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.websem.2018.10.001

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