Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns held at ISWC 2017

On Saturday October 21st the 8th WOP workshop was run during ISWC2017 in Vienna, Austria. Eva Blomqvist has been the general chair of this workshop instance, and co-organisers included Oscar Corcho (UPM), David Carral (TU Dresden), Rinke Hoekstra (Elsevier) and Matthew Horridge (Stanford). The workshop program and other information can be found on the WOP2017 page.

Pascal Hitzler (Wright State University, US) kicked off the workshop with a very interesting keynote on next generation ontology engineering, listing a number of open problems and practical showstoppers towards better utilisation of ODPs in ontology engineering. Then we heard a number of exciting talks presenting the latest research around ODPs, and a number of actual ODPs were also described. The workshop concluded with a discussion session, conducted in three groups, focusing on different problems bought forth by the participants. The groups talked about meta-languages to describe ODPs and ODP usage, relations between ODPs, and the relation between ontologies and thesauri. Notes are on the WOP page linked above.

An interesting thing to note is that ODP research is getting broader, with two main tracks; one considering the classical view of ODPs as design patterns for ontologies, and the second one more focusing on ODPs as templates or macros for generating OWL from a specification. A lot of discussions at the workshop centered around how to use both these views together to allow users to benefit from both of them. Interest in ODPs is also not only an academic thing, in the audience there were several industry representatives from around the world. Overall, the workshop attracted a quite large audience, counting around 45 people during the main sessions. In the evening almost half of the attendants met again, for a social dinner at a local restaurant.

Anyone who is interested in updates on ODP research and future events is encouraged to join the ODP mailing list (a google group).

Even more LiU Research at ISWC 2016 – Ontology Design Patterns

In addition to the work mentioned in a previous post about ISWC, the LiU Semantic Web research team has also been very active in the Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) sub-community at ISWC.

On Monday (October 17), Karl Hammar co-arranged the tutorial session Ontology Design Patterns for Linked Data Publishing. The tutorial was very well-received, with over 30 participants learning about ODP theory and practice, and evaluating Karl’s XD for WebProtégé ODP tooling.

On Tuesday (October 18), Karl also co-arranged the 7th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns, at which he also presented two papers: Template-Based Content ODP Instantiation and How to Document Ontology Design Patterns. In total there were twelve presentations given at the workshop, two keynote talks, and a town hall meeting discussing future directions of research and other issues of weight to the ODP community. Approximately 25 people attended the workshop, and the quality of the work presented and of the subsequent discussions was excellent.




Best Poster Award at ISWC 2016

ISWC2016BestPosterWe are very happy to announce that Olaf Hartig has won the Peoples’ Choice Best Poster Award at the 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016), which is the main conference in our field. The research presented on the poster is joint work with Carlos Buil-Aranda from the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile.

The poster is titled “Reducing the Network Load of Triple Pattern Fragments by Supporting Bind Joins.” You may want to read the poster paper, and there is also a Web page for this work. Additionally, a full research paper about this work (title: “Bindings-Restricted Triple Pattern Fragments“) will be published in the proceedings of the ODBASE 2016 conference; an extended pre-print of this paper is already available.

LiU Semantic Web research at ISWC 2016

ISWC2016 LogoNext week a couple of use will travel to Kobe, Japan, to present our work in the 15th edition of the annual International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016). In particular, we will present the following two research papers:

  • User Validation in Ontology Alignment” by Zlatan Dragisic, Valentina Ivanova, Patrick Lambrix, Daniel Faria, Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz, and Catia Pesquita (download a pre-print of the paper), and
  • Walking without a Map: Ranking-Based Traversal for Querying Linked Data” by Olaf Hartig and M. Tamer Özsu (pre-print, and extended version).

Furthermore, Valentina Ivanova will present her PhD project in the doctoral consortium of the conference (title of Valentina’s DC paper: “Applications of Large Displays: Advancing User Support in Large Scale Ontology Alignment“), and we have two posters in the poster session, namely “Representing RDF Stream Processing Queries in RSP-SPIN” by Robin Keskisärkkä (poster paper) and “Reducing the Network Load of Triple Pattern Fragments by Supporting Bind Joins” by Olaf Hartig and Carlos Aranda-Buil (poster paper).

In addition to these contributions to the main conference, some of us are co-organizers of research workshops and challenges co-located with the conference, that is:

  • The 7th Int. Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2016) is co-organized by Olaf Hartig,
  • The 2nd Int. Workshop on Visualization and Interaction for Ontologies and Linked Data (VOILA 2016) is co-organized by Valentina Ivanova and Patrick Lambrix, and
  • The 7th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 2016) is co-organized by Karl Hammar.
  • Zlatan Dragisic, Valentina Ivanova, Huanyu Li and Patrick Lambrix organized the Anatomy track and co-organized the Interactive track of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI 2016). The results are reported at the Ontology Matching Workshop (OM 2016).

Moreover, in the VOILA workshop, our Patrick Lambrix, Zlatan Dragisic, and Valentina Ivanova, together with Craig Anslow, have a paper titled “Visualization for Ontology Evolution” (read the paper); Karl Hammar is co-author of two papers in the WOP workshop, titled “Template-Based Content ODP Instantiation” (paper) and “How to Document Ontology Design Patterns” (paper). Last but not least, Robin Keskisärkkä has a paper about “Query Templates for RDF Stream Processing” in the Stream Reasoning Workshop (SR 2016).

We are looking forward to having a good time at ISWC in Kobe. If you happen to be there as well and want to talk to any of us, don’t be shy, just approach us.